With all the praise going to Gwyneth Paltrow’s conscious uncoupling shouldn’t the real focus be on conscious coupling?
Don’t get me wrong, I love the idea of conscious uncoupling when both parties responsibly choose to end a relationship.
But what resources do we have for conscious coupling? There are some good books available, such as “Getting the Love You Want” and “Making Marriage Simple.” (I’m also fond of “New Earth Relationships,” but that may seem too self-serving.)
I’m also a big fan of couple’s therapy/marriage counseling. The problem is that most couples won’t explore this option until there is so much baggage, the chance of success is 20% for very responsible partners, and much less for everyone else.
The whole motivation for LovePong is to have an easy, gentle, loving way to couple consciously before you acquire the baggage. We all start out with our own baggage, and, unless we’re in the process of unloading, we keep taking on more.
Every partner needs to decide if you’re going to be in the business of packing or unpacking. If the former, you’re headed for the falls. If the latter, you need a regular practice. It’s not going to happen by itself.
That’s what LovePong is for. The premium version has the Conscious Couples Course. The idea behind this course is not only to support the relationship, but to support each partner in the relationship in unloading his/her own baggage – leveraging the loving support of the other.
While I have a personal attachment to your using LovePong, I have a bigger commitment to relationships. Use our tool, or use someone else’s. But don’t just wait and hope it will work out. If things aren’t getting better, they’re getting worse. Do something before it’s too late.